Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Let’s get technical

Statistics don’t lie. Since 1975 we have witnessed 4 property cycles as shown in the graph below. The current cycle which started on 2009 has not ended yet. Let’s take a closer look at the graph.

Here are some facts we can draw from the graph.
   1. The property cycle is getting shorter. We used to have more than 10 years for one cycle. Now the cycle can be as short as 5 years.
   2. For every downturn, there are major world events.
   3. History repeats itself. Every cycle, the upturn far outweighs the downturn
   4. The current cycle is the 5th Cycle since 1975. We are into the 5th year of the current cycle.
    Where is the current cycle going to head?
                 When is the current cycle going to end?
                 What are the major world events in the current cycle?

Summary of all the cycles